Modern plastic surgery is focused on the individual needs of clients. While some may need an easier procedure for a big change, to make the effect perfect sometimes requires a combination of two or more methods. Breast modelling combined with augmentation (breast lift combined with breast enlargement using implants in other words) is a desired procedure, e. g. for women who lost their breast shape and volume due to breastfeeding.

You will be taken care of directly by a plastic surgeon during the consultation

Choose a convenient date of the surgery at the Aesthevita plastic surgery clinic

Relax during your recovery so the wounds would heal well

You will go through the necessary medical examination before the procedure
Bigger and firmer thanks to one surgery
Modelling combined with augmentation deals with more than one breast correction at the same time – adding volume using silicone implants under the mammary gland or under the pectoralis major, changing the shape of the breast by modelling the mammary gland tissue, lifting saggy areola and the removal of excess skin. The method known as dual plane is popular in modern plastic surgery. It deals with small volume and slightly to medium saggy breasts, too. It ensures the proper placement of the implants together with the best forming of the bottom of the breasts which will help the breasts to obtain a natural shape.
You probably won’t recognize your own breasts after the surgery. But you certainly will be happy getting used to their new appearance.

What outcome can I expect?
The first step to take is to arrange an appointment for the pre-surgery consultation. You will be taken care of directly by a plastic surgeon from the very first moment at the Aesthevita plastic surgery clinic. You will discuss with him/her what shape of the implants he would recommend in your case and he/she will describe to you the progress of the procedure and answer questions about anything you are curious about.
Right before the surgery
When the planned date of the procedure is approaching, you will undergo the pre-surgery examination. This involves blood sampling, an ECG and a sonographic examination of the breasts. The women aged over 60 undergo an x-ray of the lungs as well, the age limit for smokers is set at 50.

How will I look
Even if you have a good imagination, take advantage of the opportunity to try out how you would feel with bigger breasts. The surgeon will lend you special gel pads during you consultation – test implants or the so-called sizers. Unusual at first glance, right? Have a look for a second time, a third time, again and again from all sides. Then you can go to check the new underwear you will be able wear with your new breasts. But you still have some time until shopping.
What does the surgery consist of
The steps taken by the surgeon depend on how saggy the breasts are, the amount of the excess skin and the size of the areolas as well. The doctor can insert the implant thanks to the incision in the inframammary fold, in the areola or in the armpit. The size of the areola is adjusted by a fine incision around the areola when needed. The most modern surgical techniques are very gentle to the mammary gland, they preserve the areolas sensitivity as much as possible and minimise the size of post-surgery scars.

Proper scar care
The resulting wound after modelling and breast augmentation has the shape of an anchor. The scars are thin and a gentle pressure massage during the process of recovery helps to smooth them. Start with this type of massage according to the doctor’s instructions. The scar has to be healed and with no scabs. Take your time and let your body heal naturally.
Overnight stay at the clinic
Expect to stay at the clinic overnight after the procedure. The surgeries which are performed under general anaesthesia require a short stay in hospital. Look at it from the positive side – after the surgery you will have proper rest and the doctor will remove the drains (through which the excess blood flows away) the following day.
Write REST in your calendar
Do not play the hero during recovery and do not attempt to be back to your normal life with the household chores etc. Plan to rest for the whole week after the procedure and do not work or go about your normal duties, even your surgeon will tell you so. It is necessary that your hands remain absolutely steady from elbows up – no driving, holding children, carrying the shopping bags, ironing… There is a risk that the not yet completely fixed implant could rotate.

Healing is under the supervision of a doctor
The surgeon will assess if the healing goes well after a week of a leisurely regime and he/she will tell you any further instructions. Then it is usually not a problem to go back to your job if it is not physically demanding. Do not push yourself too much for the whole period of recovery.
No moving without an elastic bra
An elastic bra, which you receive at the clinic and is included in the cost of the procedure, will become your inseparable companion for the whole six weeks. It will provide the breasts with sufficient support and it will significantly help the proper healing process after the surgery. Take it off only occasionally and for a while, e. g. because of hygiene.
Tip: Get a second compression bra so you can change them, e.g. when one needs washing. You can minimize the risk of the infection only with maximum cleanliness. It is essential mainly in the first days after the surgery. You can even wash your bra every day.

Back to sports in 6 weeks
Several weeks of long waiting for a full recovery can seem endless for some women. However, it is really not so long. You should be able to cope with the level of physical exercise you were used to before the procedure, 6 weeks after it. It depends on the location of the implants and individual recommendation of the surgeon.
Are “silicone implants” safe?
The first breast augmentation took place in 1963. More than half a century of practice sufficiently verified the safety of silicone implants. Modern technologies provide more advanced types for clients today. The implant is created from special medicinal silicone that causes no harm to the body. The exception here confirms the rule, so in exceptional cases the implants can be tolerated badly. Those clients then opt for filling the breasts with their own fat, the breasts can be augmented for 0.5 to 1 size during one procedure this way. Many women therefore undergo the surgery again.

Cosmetic products contain more silicone
Some may talk about releasing an exiguous amount of low-molecular silicone in relation with silicone implants. In fact, the amount is so low that you can hardly compare it with the amount of silicone which our body receives through skin cosmetics, shampoos, etc.
Breasts with implants look unnatural
This is one of the myths of silicone breast implants and a frequent argument of their opponents. The fact is that when the size or the shape of the implant used is inappropriate it may look unnatural, especially if compared to the figure of the woman. How could this happen? Some clients have unreal expectation about the size of their breasts. If they insist despite professional advice and find a clinic where no is not an answer, the result is horrifying. At clinics like Aesthevita, there are no such cases thanks to the pre-surgery consultations with a plastic surgeon.

Will I be able to breastfeed?
If you are planning to become a mother in the next few years but you are craving for bigger breasts right now, there is no reason to hesitate. The implants, which are always put under the mammary gland, will not influence its natural function, therefore it does not influence breastfeeding. If the breasts lower after breastfeeding, modelling would return firmness.
The price
The price
The price of the procedure is final, everything necessary is already calculated. It specifically includes the following:
- A consultation with the plastic surgeon
- General anaesthesia
- Compressive postoperative halter garment
- The procedure itself
- A stay at the clinic after the surgery
- A package with postoperative care