An eagle nose, the hawk, the slicker…There are many negative expressions for aesthetically imperfect noses. If your face is dominated by a big nose or one with an unattractive shape you do not have to spend the rest of your life shamefully hiding it. Rhinoplasty can deal with various nose imperfections, including those that may cause breathing difficulties. The optimal age for this operation is after one’s 18th birthday. The final decision of the surgeon whether it is possible to perform the surgery depends solely on an individual examination.

You will be taken care of directly by a plastic surgeon during the consultation

Choose a convenient date of the surgery at the Aesthevita plastic surgery clinic

Relax during your recovery so the wounds would heal well

You will go through the necessary medical examination before the procedure
A symmetrical nose is like a work of art
Have you grown up with a chubby nose that is the cause of others sometimes laughing at you? Have you got used to it because you haven’t thought of getting rid of this freak of nature? Modern plastic surgery can model you an ideal nose that fits in with your appearance. One surgery and a few weeks of recovery are enough for that. Nose surgery is a kind of art work for plastic surgeons. This procedure is not one of the easiest, therefore you should be sure that you chose a clinic with qualified personnel and a surgeon with good references.

What outcome can I expect?
Nose surgery involves making it smaller or bigger, removal of nasal abnormalities, modelling of the nose tip and nostril correction. Straightening the nasal septum (senoplasty) as a part of nose surgery will also abolish difficulties with breathing. The progress of the surgery always depends on the individual needs of the patient. The consultation before the procedure is necessary and you will find out what outcome can be achieved in your case and other important information. You will be taken care of directly by a plastic surgeon even at the pre-surgery appointment at the Aesthevita plastic surgery clinic.
Right before the surgery
When the planned date of the procedure is approaching, you will undergo the pre-surgery examination. It involves blood sampling and an ECG. Women aged over 60 undergo an x-ray of the lungs as well, the age limit for smokers is set at 50.
What is happening in the operating room
Nose surgery at the Aesthevita plastic surgery clinic is performed using the so called open approach. This is a small lateral incision at the lower border of the nasal septum and through the nostrils which allows the surgeon to perform fine surgical moves and to have a good view of the area of the surgery. He/she will remove and shape the cartilage or bone. Then he/she stabilizes the nose with taping and a plaster bandage. At the end, the surgeon will implement tamponade into the nostrils for 24 hours. The patient can breathe through the mount only during this time. Taking into account the fact that the procedure is performed under general anaesthesia, you should expect a one-day long hospitalization at the clinic. You will probably be discharged the next day.
The scars after the nose surgery are almost invisible. They are hidden at the lower border of the nasal septum. The people who didn’t know you before will hardly be able to tell that you underwent this procedure.

Start by resting
You will leave the clinic with a plaster bandage. You have to put up with it for the next 2 to 3 weeks. Within this time, the nose is getting fixed and knits into the shape that was given to it during the surgery, you should therefore keep calm and be careful. Bruises will subside within 2 to 3 weeks. And then you can fully enjoy your new beautiful nose.

It improves health and raises self-confidence
The nose surgery will provide relief from breathing difficulties for some patients, others undergo it mainly to get rid of the issue that bothered them for years. Mental wellbeing directly influences the immunity and health so it is a good reason to undergo nose surgery to raise self-confidence.
Give others and yourself time to get used to your new nose. Do not get frightened because of the change, your nose is a dominant part of the face and it therefore significantly influences its expression. You are definitely willing to get used to looking better.

The price
The price
The price of the procedure is final, everything necessary is already calculated. It specifically includes the following:
- A consultation with the plastic surgeon
- General anaesthesia
- The procedure itself
- A stay at the clinic after the surgery
- A package with postoperative care